YesWeCode chat 19: How to step up your #tech/#startup game
Sunday, May 3rd, 2015
While it’s encouraging to see more conversations about tech inclusion and the emergence of more diverse startups, coding classes and hiring of a diverse tech employees at major companies like Google and Facebook, there’s also seems to be a missing piece: a focus on how to step up your tech game and present yourself as an expert in your field both on and offline.
Does tech need to diversify? Yes! Do we (each and every one of us) also need to be on top of our game so we can make the most of the opportunities when they come our way. Absolutely!
So the question is, what are you doing to step up your game? Is your LinkedIn profile on point? Do you have spelling mistakes riddling your blog posts and making them unbearable to read? Are you a designer whose portfolio doesn’t speak great design? Are you offering “high quality professional services” with a site that says “free website builder” in the footer?
The web is powerful because it’s our face to the world. Millions of users around the world can find you because of your url, your domain expertise, your blog. How you present yourself matters.
Join the #yeswecode chat this Sun 5/3 at 8pmCT.
Here are some questions to think about:
- If you were being considered for a job in #tech right now, would your online presence help or hurt you? How?
- If there was one area you could most improve, what would it be? Social? Resume?
- What are some ways one can avoid looking “amateur hour”?
- How do you judge if your public presentation meets certain standards?
- How do you find out what those standards even are?
Hope to see you there!