days like this

days like this

#Napowrimo Day 13:


Today I was inspired by a conversation with a dear friend.  Talking with her made me think about the loved ones who carry us and make it possible for us to be ourselves and celebrate ourselves.  Enjoy!


we talk about our son’s math exam
his next game
the other son loves his big brother
we laugh at the journey the multiple state lines
we’ve crossed the border of our family
we’ve built

but what about talking about you
today let’s forget the kids the next
sporting event the school play the caravan of kids
spilling out of the van today

you are the best thing about my day
today it is you who pulled through
allowed me to wake in a bed on the beach and be with myself
and celebrate my birthday

another year of becoming

my dear there is nothing left to talk about except
all the ways you bowl me over with your space to hold it all
the kids the games the friends the laughter the caravans
and me you did the work

made space for me

and that my dear is why
i call you

good enough

good enough


#NaPoWriMo Day 12


good enough

the words sit in the back of our throats

we disguise it as wonder

we disguise it as fear

it’s this one question

that always seems to be in the way

are you good enough to have him

to keep her

to embrace yourself under the most yourself during the most

dire day

this is the question i want to pose

what does it mean to be good enough?

in the space of enough

i fill up a room

crooked teeth ashy skin

rememberances of adolescence gone wrong

this is how i right it

i allow myself to take up space

in the space of good

it is an asking of broken bread

fresh baked and smelling of mornings

goodness is in the everyday small things

not in that one time when you thought you were not good enough

and chose to do the wrong thing

are you good enough?

we are enough if we allow ourselves

to fill up our bodies the rooms we move in

the circles we gather

if we allow ourselves to claim

our very precious right to be here

smelling of baked bread

another day

another chance to simply be


in the sweet company of now

in the sweet company of now

beating yourself up always feels good

take a minute

in the bathroom

lean in

look at the loose grey hair coming in

it is there to remind you of everything

you’ve ever failed at becoming

the truth is

only you know why you insist on plucking it

the rage comes nexts

a hot red face

bulging eyes on the cliff of mist

none of us know how to do this

to be with the failure

to love it to give it warmth

to turn the music up strip down bare

dance only in our bras and underwear

instead of

peering at ourselves  in the mirror

how do we get good at doing that other thing

how do we get good at taking a deep breath

and being in the company of now

the now that reminds us that the baby girl sleeping

so still next door came from us

which means she came from good things

the now of laughter the now of eyes that say i will stay and listen

i’ve got you

the now of the people we build up the emails we write back the work we decide to love even when it doesn’t love us the

now of the decision to give doubt a day off the now of asking for help the now of calling anyone the now of willing to say athe f word

and not coil back into ourselves

the now of failure

and how mighty it feels

the way it fills the room all diety like

and makes no room for us the now of failing into

ourselves instead of failing out of ourselves

the now of doing th work

asking how does this feel

taking a bath going for a walk

doing anything but pointing a finger and the beautiful

you in the mirror

this is the hard work

but the comapny of our own breath

is that which we will always know

that which will warm us that which

will rub our backs that which we will detest

just when we need to love her

the now of this moment
brings such sweet company
let us leave the loud voices of parents
and friends who encourage us to say
we cant

and sit in the sun
flickering in the  sweet company
of all that we are
so diligently



Ok, so I made it to day 8 of #NaPoWriMo.  I’ve spent the last few days at a entrepreneur retreat and was inspired to write this.




start biz take risk leap
change grow  push climb steep
take next step leave doubt
head down build grow reap



In The Presence Of This Morning

In The Presence Of This Morning

#Napowrimo Day 3

T’ang Poetry is a style of Classic Chinese Poetry that began during the T’ang Dynasty. While studying creative writing, I studied T’ang Poetry and it has forever changed how I see poetry and language. The idea is to write with minimum words and maximum impact. Enjoy!


National Poetry Writing Month Challenge - in the prescence of morning by uchechi kalu

in the presence of this morning

wake turn smile touch hip

hand cup breast warm liip

sign see sun slide shine

lift head drink day sip



now more than ever

now more than ever

National Poetry Writing Month - Poem by Uchechi Kalunow more than ever
what she says matters
now more than ever a lifting of the veil
and telling “supposed tos” to get the hell out of sight
seems just right
i do not want another woman
to lose
her voice

i do not want another woman to believe in everything
except herself
I do not want what first starts as nail biting and picking
acne to turn into saying nothing

sitting in the back of the class

letting someone else speak up about her idea and take the credit

i do not want her to belong to the history books no one writes
the shoulda coulda woulda

the unexemplary life that was dulled by someone else always choosing for her

i want her to live
knowing that her voice
may have meant nothing to those who would rather see her
remain silent
but it was valued as precious
to her

is the time
more than ever
to blossom into becoming the woman you do
see in the mirror
but are afraid to actually greet